Price increase to $7
You will all remember the amazing announcement in July where Pac Bev recommitted to sponsoring The Wanderers for another two years to tie in with the Tadcaster ongoing sponsorship. During that announcement, we had also mentioned that as of October, the beer prices will increase in order to continue to enable our shared partnership between the club, Pac Bev, and Tadcaster as Steinlager have increased their charges to Pacific Beverage and Pacific Beverage have in turn increased their prices to Tadcaster. Although both sponsors have absorbed price increases in the past they cannot continue to do so especially during this time that has hit F&B particularly hard.
Starting on 1 October 2020, Steinlager Pure, Steinlager Tokyo Dry, and Pure Blonde will be available at $7.00 per bottle. Whilst not the best of news, we will still have one of the best beer deals in the market.
We thank both Pacific Beverages and Tadcaster for keeping all price increases to a minimum (and only when absolutely necessary), and appreciate that something had to be done so both our sponsors will be able to continue to provide us with the quality of beverage and service we have come to expect.
Whilst we are all currently amid getting in shape for the upcoming season, do remember that sponsors allow the club to do what we do, and drop in to the Tadcaster outlets to return their support.